old stocking stuffer stuff1
the lecture2
number mine3
over the edge: alternative verdun4
over the edge: an alternative night out
a brief pictorial guide to contemporary japan(with pics)
my daily blob
if . . . 6
why mac sucks and why windows rocks
1. A few very old odds and ends. Mostly crap.
2. Like a fool, I went to a lecture at mcgill university. The absurdity was beyond absurd. I went home, turned on the computer, and wrote this dandy little yarn.
3. This is ace.
4. These two over the edge pieces were written in a half-hearted attempt to get a column in a Montreal weekly magazine. I then left for Japan and that was the end of that.
5. This is the script of an absurdist live show. The actual video is here.
6. This is the script of a satirical live show. The actual video is here.